ISANA Conference Student Bursary: Applications Now Open!

Since 2012, ISANA has invited international students from each State and Territory to the Annual National Conference through a Student Conference Bursary.

This Bursary valued at $1000 plus a conference registration is awarded to one student from each State and Territory. The aims of the Student conference bursary are to:

  • Provide opportunities for engagement with other students and professional and academic staff in the international education sector;
  • Ensure that international students interest’s and opinions are heard and noted in general discussion and through presentations;
  • Develop leadership potential in the international student community
  • Disseminate international education information through the student community

We invite ISANA members to nominate continuing international students who will be worthy recipients for your State or Territory. Nominated International students will need to submit complete applications to the ISANA Secretariat by 31st July 2017

If you are an international student interested in this opportunity, please contact your student services office and ask to speak with a staff member who is an ISANA member.