International students thriving through community partnerships

Pugliese N1

1Department of Education, Queensland, Brisbane , Australia

For younger international students, studying abroad is an exciting experience with the opportunity to explore a new culture, language and educational environment, but it can also have its challenges. It can be difficult for younger oversea students moving away from family and friends, dealing with culture shock, home sickness, and navigating Australia’s diverse communities. Education Queensland International (EQI) is Queensland’s largest study provider for international students under the age of 18. This session focusses on the importance of effective engagement processes that can help build trust within communities for the primary benefit of enabling international students to thrive.

Participants will:

  • become more familiar with EQI’s approach to international student wellbeing, social inclusion and student safety.
  • hear about EQI’s current challenges in their pursuit of delivering a holistic approach to academic achievement, wellbeing, inclusion, safety and welfare.
  • Gain insights into how all study providers can leverage partnerships in student centred initiatives that develop inclusion, belonging and wellbeing.
  • explore strategies to assist international students in their ambitions to be socially connected within and outside of their learning environment.


Nathan is the Director, International Student Programs for the Department of Education, International (Queensland). He is committed the social and economic prosperity of Queensland by driving and delivering internationally-recognised products and services, working with key partners and the community, and supporting global engagement at Education Queensland International (EQI). In his current position he is responsible for the development and growth of international student program activities, responsible for creating a safe, supportive and inclusive program in 100 accredited state schools. Previously to this role he held leadership positions in Queensland, state schools and International schools in England and Sweden.